Posted with approval from our Council Chair.

August 9, 2023

On behalf of the Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities (MLPD), I release this statement to show our support for Indigenous communities calling for a search of the Prairie Green and Brady landfill sites.

As an organization, MLPD is dedicated to making a fully accessible province where all people, no matter ability, are provided the same rights and freedoms. We recognize that the failure to search the landfill sites reflects a stark inequity faced by Indigenous peoples in Manitoba.

Personally, I recently visited Camp Marcedes just outside of the Human Rights Museum. When I met with the Firekeeper, he showed me how the fire had been intentionally designed in an accessible way, so someone like myself could make an offering. That was not something I had expected anyone at that site to be concerned about, but they made the space and took the time to include us.

As Executive Director of MLPD. I have struggled with finding a good way to show this support. It is difficult for organizations that sometimes receive government funding to make statements like this. I think as an organization we have a duty to support families and people struggling against inequality. As people with disabilities and gifts, many of us have seen indignity and injustice in our lives and communities. If we can speak out against inaccessibility and exclusion in services, we can do this too.

The horrific acts against these women, and all MMIW2S people must be met with reconciliation, dignity, and space for healing.

We call on all governments for a community-lead search of the Prairie Green and Brady landfill sites.

Thank you and Miigwetch,

Melissa Graham

Executive Director, Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities