Dear Members:

RE: Nominations for MLPD Provincial Council

There are three Provincial Council positions open for election. Nominations for Council will be accepted until 4:00 p.m., Friday, May 15th, 2021.

There are two options:
1. you may nominate yourself
2. you may nominate another member, with their consent

For either option, fill out the form HERE and write/include a short biography (250 words). In your biography, please note your skills and experience. Return the completed form to us via email. Signatures are not required if form is filled online.

After the Nominations Committee has reviewed applications, and if there are more than three nominations, members will be mailed a list of nominees and a ballot for voting. You will have 30 days to submit your vote.
New Council members will be announced at the
Annual General Meeting on June 24 at 7pm. Please see separate notice.

  • Only “active” members can run for Council and vote for Council members. To stay “active”, you must renew your membership by phone, email or regular mail. It’s FREE: all you have to do is get in touch with us!
  • Or you may join by completing the attached membership form.
  • You can still be a Provincial Council member if you live outside of Winnipeg ‒ Council meetings are virtual (phone or online using Zoom platform)

If you have any questions about becoming a Provincial Council Member, see the enclosed information, call us or email, at 204-943-6099 or 1-888-330-1932.

Whitney Hodgins,
MLPD Chairperson