The S(NO)W Plow campaign is a group of disability-led organizations and community members who want to see improved snow clearing on sidewalks in the City of Winnipeg this winter. See our Press Release here!

Recent news stories about the S(NO)W Plow Campaign include:

We need your help raising awareness about the barriers caused to Winnipeggers when the snow is not cleared properly.

  • Take photos of sidewalks that have not been cleared of snow properly, or that have not been cleared of snow at all. The photos should be from this winter (2024-2025), in the City of Winnipeg, and taken by you or someone you know.
  • Share your photos and stories of sidewalk snow obstacles this winter using our Facebook Group or Google Form. If these options do not work well for you, you can also email them to
  • We will share these photos with the City of Winnipeg and its snow clearing contractors to help them understand how important their job is to clear the City’s sidewalks.