
This self-paced course is divided into 11 modules that summarize the rights of persons with disabilities as specified by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the processes by which one may seek redress when they believe their human rights have been violated.

The purpose of this training is to enable persons with disabilities to take effective action to ensure that their human rights are respected.

In the first several modules of this course, the human rights of persons with disabilities are enumerated and described.

In the final module, processes and procedures through which persons with disabilities can seek redress at the national, provincial or territorial, and international level are described.

Learning objectives:

  • To increase the number of Canadians with disabilities who are knowledgeable about available human rights remedies to discrimination and how to access these remedies.
  • To increase capacity of Canadians with disabilities to share that knowledge with their peers so that more people across Canada will have information necessary to navigate the systems where Canadians can seek redress for discrimination

In order to defend and protect your human rights you must:

  • First, be aware of what those rights are and,
  • Second, be aware of the processes by which you can seek redress if your rights are violated.

Outline of the Course

  • Introduction. Description of the course. Aims of the course. Organization. How to proceed. Learning objectives. Sources of material.
  • Module 1. What are human rights? The universal declaration of human rights. CRPD. Human rights in Canada. Provincial accessibility legislation.
  • Module 2. Equality and non-discrimination. Accessibility.
  • Module 3. Freedom of expression and opinion. The right to participation in political and public life.
  • Module 4. Privacy, integrity, home, and the family. Living independently and with dignity in the community.
  • Module 5. The right to health. The right to habilitation and rehabilitation.
  • Module 6. The right to protection in situations of risk. Freedom from torture and other forms of abuse.
  • Module 7. The right to education. The right to participate in sport and culture.
  • Module 8. The right to work.
  • Module 9. The human rights of children with disabilities. Non-discrimination and equality for women with disabilities. The rights of other populations.
  • Module 10. Access to justice.
  • Module 11. Redress: How to remedy discrimination. How to access systems. How to use the system to seek redress. The optional protocol.
Click here to access the program.