Consulting Services

Types of Services

Together we can create an accessible and inclusive province for all Manitobans.

Consulting Services

Types of Services

Together we can create an accessible and inclusive province for all Manitobans.

Whether your organization is looking for ready-to-implement or custom solutions to your accessibility challenges, MLPD will work with you on your journey to becoming a more accessible and inclusive organization.

Policy Creation

MLPD will work alongside your organization to develop policies that align with your values and strategy. We will ensure that your policies lead your organization to becoming more accessible and inclusive. Our team’s knowledge of the Accessibility for Manitobans Act and Accessible Canada Act will ensure that your organization is compliant with the latest relevant legislation.

Accessibility Plans

Is your organization required to follow an accessibility plan under the Accessible Canada Act legislation? MLPD can support your organization with a detailed review to identify existing barriers, and work with you to meet the goals identified in your accessibility plans.

Staff Training

Organizations are often required to ensure their staff and managers are properly trained to ensure that they are meeting the needs of disabled people. MLPD can help you meet those requirements with our online modules, in-person training and custom solutions.

Accessibility Reviews

A review of your organization’s physical space can ensure you are meeting the accessibility needs of staff and customers. MLPD’s team can perform accessibility reviews in a variety of spaces to help your organization become more accessible and inclusive to everyone. We have reviewed tourist attractions, office spaces, and factory floors. Our tools are designed to adapt to the needs of your organization. Our team can also review your communications, including your website, so you can communicate accessibly and meet Manitoba’s Accessible Communications Standard.

MLPD will work alongside your organization to develop policies that align with your values and strategy.

Looking to improve your accessibility options?

Here is what our customers have to say about working with MLPD.

MLPD has excellent and practical knowledge on accessibility and inclusion as I discovered first hand.

– Bike Winnipeg

I had the opportunity to collaborate with several MLPD staff … and at each stage of the project the MLPD team was efficient and knowledgeable. They have consistently met the agreed-upon project goals and deadlines.

– FortWhyte Alive!

Marymound is grateful for the opportunity to work with MLPD on testing the accessibility of the organization’s new website. We appreciate the expertise of the MLPD lived experience user testers. Their feedback was essential in ensuring the website is accessible to all Manitobans.

– Marymound